How We Make Our MARK – A Day in the Life featuring Christine Spigai

We are wrapping up our year-long behind-the-scenes series with two final blogs from OTM’s co-founders. We hope you’ve enjoyed the journey and getting to know our creative and dynamic team a little better.

If you missed any of our previous issues of How We Make Our Mark, check them out here!

This month, we caught up with President Christine Spigai.

What was your WHY for starting On The Mark Communications?

“We watched our dad as an entrepreneur from the time we were young and were always inspired by his strong work ethic and success. Nicol and I managed a marketing division within one of his companies in the late 1990s. When that company was acquired, it was a catalyst for the two of us to embark on our own entrepreneurial journey. Looking back now, I didn’t know what I didn’t know – and that was a very good thing. It allowed me to take bolder steps, chase a dream and led us to sit here together today.”

Christine and Nicol in their dad’s office years ago

Did you always envision yourself here?

“No, despite what I just said about my dad’s career entrepreneurship. The truth is I wanted to be an attorney when I was young. And then in college, I dreamed of working on Madison Avenue in New York City. Turns out neither was for me. But what emerged from those young aspirations is a love for strategy – and that’s been an enormous component to my career.”

What is your vision for the future of OTM, and how do you see the company evolving in the next few years?

“OTM is well known for our creative strategies, exceptional client service and impactful results. Strategic initiatives always focus on enhancing our service offerings to our client partners. I see increased focus on greater integration and expansion of digital and other emerging areas like podcast production, video content creation, web and app development and more.”

Can you share your approach to leadership and how you inspire and motivate your team?

“First, I believe in leading by example, holding myself to the same standards I set for others. It’s important for me to share a clear vision with the team and commit to transparent and constructive communication. That always builds mutual trust – which translates into an empowered, confident and capable team. Those kinds of teams – teams like ours – are motivated, productive and innovative. It’s easy then to recognize achievements and celebrate success – together.”

What do you believe sets OTM apart from other marketing agencies, and how do you ensure the company remains innovative and competitive in the industry?

“In my opinion, our talent is unrivaled. More than our solid skill sets, we are incredibly creative, consistently proactive and well trusted. That’s everything in building partnerships with our clients. Getting great things done is all about a strong partnership – that’s always been our competitive edge.”

Do you have a favorite company exercise or tradition?

“I really enjoy our regular team-building exercises, but in my opinion, the most rewarding time we spend together is Positive Wednesday. It began during the pandemic as a collective reminder for each of us that despite hardships, we can always find something to be grateful for. It remains on our team calendar today because it’s a powerful 30 minutes of connection and gratitude. Simple enough – we each take turns sharing with the group one positive personal and one positive professional development. We are always learning new things about one another, even after all these years. It’s just a real feel-good.”

How would you describe the culture at OTM, and what initiatives do you support to maintain and enhance it?

“Well, our positive meetings are one great example of our culture. We really strive to prioritize our people by enjoying time together. Yes, we have work to accomplish – lots of it – but we also owe ourselves time to unwind and laugh together. We strive for that balance. Basketball shootouts, cornhole challenges, scavenger hunts, a good game of Jenga … we’re always up for a fun activity.”

The team enjoying a game of Jenga on the Bell Works turf
OTM at the Bell Works driving range

Your role requires creativity. Do you enjoy creative outlets or hobbies outside of the office?

“My time outside the office is prioritized for time with my family. That is the number-one way I like to spend my time. As far as my personal hobbies, I love to be in the garden. This past spring, there were a few new planting areas at my house following some construction and I don’t think I went a weekend without bringing home at least one new plant. Once fall rolls around, I turn my creative focus to cooking – trying new recipes and experimenting on my own. Unlike the plant obsession, my husband actually benefits from my pursuit of this hobby!”

Flowers from Christine’s garden
Christine’s cooking
Christine’s husband Chris, Christine and her son Alec

What’s one piece of advice you received early in your career that has stuck with you until this day?

“I’m not sure it’s so much advice, but I worked in PR after graduating college. I started as an intern and after three months was hired full time. Shortly after that, I was quickly given increased responsibility – interfacing with clients, managing interviews, making press calls and taking meetings on my own. I remember quietly worrying whether I was ready and equipped but with a deep breath, I embraced those challenges despite my nerves. I learned a few things: (1) It’s okay to be nervous (2) Growth comes from stepping out of your comfort zone (3) You’re often capable of more than you give yourself credit for. I recall that early experience even today when doubt may creep in.”

BONUS! Check out Christine's go-to items to have a successful day as Co-founder and President.